Migrazione contenuti da D6 a D7

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Migrazione contenuti da D6 a D7

buongiorno a tutti, ho un vecchio sito in Drupal6 e ho cercato di convertirlo in Drupal7 ma pur se apparentemente la conversione è andata a buon fine, molti field non sono più disponibili per i contenuti e i profili utente creati con Content Profile non sono più disponibili.
Da qui mi chiedevo se era più conveniente ripartire creando un nuovo sito in Drupal 7 e poi importare tutti ti contenuti e tutti gli utenti con annessi profili? Come posso importare i profili degli utenti e i contenuti?
E poi come posso non perdere i link che sono già stati indicizzati da google?
Grazie mille.

Drupal Version:


per quanto riguarda i field puoi partire da qui:

normalmente se hai usato solo drupal la migrazione dei contenuti è possibile quindi non mi imbarcherei in una ricostruzione.

Ho usanto il modulo cck ed ho ottenuto che nelle sezioni "Available fields" e "Unavailable fields" non ho più nessuna voce elencata. Invece alla voce "Converted fields" ho questi messaggi (volevo inserirlo come immagine ma non posso):

field_news_data date
field_agg_area list_text
    Changed field type: The 'field_agg_area' field uses a 'optionwidgets_buttons' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_link_nac link_field
field_agg_ev list_boolean
    Changed field type: The 'field_agg_ev' field uses a 'optionwidgets_onoff' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_boolean'.
    Missing formatter: The 'text_hidden' formatter used in 1 view modes for the field_agg_ev field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
    Missing formatter: The 'text_hidden' formatter used in 2 view modes for the field_agg_ev field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
field_agg_area_txt list_text
    Changed field type: The 'field_agg_area_txt' field uses a 'optionwidgets_select' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_aut_disp_file file
    Autotrasporto Dispositivi
    Changed field type: The 'field_aut_disp_file' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_aut_giu_file file
    Autotrasporto Giurisprudenza
    Changed field type: The 'field_aut_giu_file' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_aut_desc_giuri text_long
    Autotrasporto Giurisprudenza
field_aut_tipo_norma list_text
    Autotrasporto Normativa
    Changed field type: The 'field_aut_tipo_norma' field uses a 'optionwidgets_buttons' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_aut_norm_file file
    Autotrasporto Normativa
    Changed field type: The 'field_aut_norm_file' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_aut_desc_norma text_long
    Autotrasporto Normativa
field_aut_schedaop file
    Autotrasporto Schede Operative
    Changed field type: The 'field_aut_schedaop' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_aut_desc_schedaop text_long
    Autotrasporto Schede Operative
field_cds_mod_file file
    Codice della strada - Modulistica
    Changed field type: The 'field_cds_mod_file' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_cds_mod_desc text_long
    Codice della strada - Modulistica
field_cds_norm_file file
    Codice della strada - Normativa
    Changed field type: The 'field_cds_norm_file' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_cds_norm_descrizione text_long
    Codice della strada - Normativa
field_cds_norm_tipo list_text
    Codice della strada - Normativa
    Changed field type: The 'field_cds_norm_tipo' field uses a 'optionwidgets_buttons' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_cds_proop_file file
    Codice della strada - Prontuari operativi
    Changed field type: The 'field_cds_proop_file' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_cds_proop_desc text_long
    Codice della strada - Prontuari operativi
field_img_news image
    Changed field type: The 'field_img_news' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'image'.
    Missing widget: The 'image' widget is not available for the field_img_news field, it will be set to the default widget.
    Missing formatter: The 'imagefield__lightbox2__img_news_agg_node__original' formatter used in 3 view modes for the field_img_news field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
    Missing formatter: The 'img_news_agg_linked' formatter used in 2 view modes for the field_img_news field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
    Missing widget: The 'image' widget is not available for the field_img_news field, it will be set to the default widget.
    Missing formatter: The 'img_news_agg_node_default' formatter used in 1 view modes for the field_img_news field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
    Missing formatter: The 'imagefield__lightbox2__img_news_agg_node__original' formatter used in 2 view modes for the field_img_news field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
field_fd_cartina2 image
    Falso documentale - Dati nazione
    Changed field type: The 'field_fd_cartina2' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'image'.
    Missing widget: The 'image' widget is not available for the field_fd_cartina2 field, it will be set to the default widget.
    Missing formatter: The 'cartine_nazioni_default' formatter used in 3 view modes for the field_fd_cartina2 field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
field_fd_stemma image
    Falso documentale - Dati nazione
    Changed field type: The 'field_fd_stemma' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'image'.
    Missing widget: The 'image' widget is not available for the field_fd_stemma field, it will be set to the default widget.
    Missing formatter: The 'stemma_nazione_default' formatter used in 3 view modes for the field_fd_stemma field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
field_fd_cart1 image
    Falso documentale - Dati nazione
    Changed field type: The 'field_fd_cart1' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'image'.
    Missing widget: The 'image' widget is not available for the field_fd_cart1 field, it will be set to the default widget.
    Missing formatter: The 'cartine_nazioni_default' formatter used in 3 view modes for the field_fd_cart1 field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
field_fd_nome_nazione text
    Falso documentale - Dati nazione
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_fd_nome_nazione' in the bundle 'fd_data_nation' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_fd_bandiera file
    Falso documentale - Dati nazione
    Changed field type: The 'field_fd_bandiera' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
    Missing formatter: The 'flag_vista_default' formatter used in 3 view modes for the field_fd_bandiera field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
field_ass_logo image
    Falso documentale - Dati Compagnia Assicurazione
    Changed field type: The 'field_ass_logo' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'image'.
    Missing widget: The 'image' widget is not available for the field_ass_logo field, it will be set to the default widget.
field_ass_link link_field
    Falso documentale - Dati Compagnia Assicurazione
field_fd_codania_ass text
    Falso documentale - Dati Compagnia Assicurazione
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_fd_codania_ass' in the bundle 'fd_dati_assicurazioni' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_fd_frodi_ass text
    Falso documentale - Dati Compagnia Assicurazione
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_fd_frodi_ass' in the bundle 'fd_dati_assicurazioni' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_fd_link link_field
    Falso documentale - Link utili
field_fd_nome_sito_link text
    Falso documentale - Link utili
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_fd_nome_sito_link' in the bundle 'fd_link' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_fd_file_norm_ass file
    Falso documentale - Normativa Assicurazione
    Changed field type: The 'field_fd_file_norm_ass' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_fd_ass_tiponorm list_text
    Falso documentale - Normativa Assicurazione
    Changed field type: The 'field_fd_ass_tiponorm' field uses a 'optionwidgets_select' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_fd_prostu_ass file
    Falso documentale - Procedure e Studi Assicurazioni
    Changed field type: The 'field_fd_prostu_ass' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_fd_filepdf file
    Falso documentale - Schede
    Falso documentale - Schede Assicurazione
    Changed field type: The 'field_fd_filepdf' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_fd_tipopdf list_text
    Falso documentale - Schede
    Falso documentale - Schede Assicurazione
    Changed field type: The 'field_fd_tipopdf' field uses a 'optionwidgets_buttons' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_fd_nome_scheda text
    Falso documentale - Schede
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_fd_nome_scheda' in the bundle 'fd_schede' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_pg_ps_mainfile file
    Polizia Giudiziaria - Nuovo Procedure e Studi
    Changed field type: The 'field_pg_ps_mainfile' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_pg_ps_moduli file
    Polizia Giudiziaria - Nuovo Procedure e Studi
    Changed field type: The 'field_pg_ps_moduli' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_pg_ps_tipo list_text
    Polizia Giudiziaria - Nuovo Procedure e Studi
    Changed field type: The 'field_pg_ps_tipo' field uses a 'optionwidgets_select' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
    Missing formatter: The 'text_hidden' formatter used in 3 view modes for the field_pg_ps_tipo field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
field_pg_ps_autore text
    Polizia Giudiziaria - Nuovo Procedure e Studi
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_pg_ps_autore' in the bundle 'pg_procedure_studi' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_pg_file file
    Polizia giudiziaria
    Changed field type: The 'field_pg_file' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_pg_descrizione text_long
    Polizia giudiziaria
field_proc_type list_text
    Changed field type: The 'field_proc_type' field uses a 'optionwidgets_select' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_proc_area list_text
    Changed field type: The 'field_proc_area' field uses a 'optionwidgets_buttons' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_proc_autority text
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_proc_autority' in the bundle 'procedure' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_proc_nr text
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_proc_nr' in the bundle 'procedure' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_proc_data date
field_proc_ogg text_long
field_proc_file_circ file
    Changed field type: The 'field_proc_file_circ' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_proc_file_all file
    Changed field type: The 'field_proc_file_all' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_user_tessera text
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_tessera' in the bundle 'profilo_anvu' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_ffpp_comsederep text
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_ffpp_comsederep' in the bundle 'profilo_ffpp' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_prof text
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Profilo utente classico
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_prof' in the bundle 'profilo_uc' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_tel text
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Profilo utente classico
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_tel' in the bundle 'profilo_uc' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_nome text
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Profilo utente classico
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_nome' in the bundle 'profilo_uc' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_cognome text
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Profilo utente classico
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_cognome' in the bundle 'profilo_uc' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_com_nascita text
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Profilo utente classico
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_com_nascita' in the bundle 'profilo_uc' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_data date
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Profilo utente classico
field_user_res text
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Profilo utente classico
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_res' in the bundle 'profilo_uc' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_via text
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Profilo utente classico
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_via' in the bundle 'profilo_uc' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_civ text
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Profilo utente classico
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_civ' in the bundle 'profilo_uc' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_reg list_text
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Profilo utente classico
    Changed field type: The 'field_user_reg' field uses a 'optionwidgets_buttons' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
    Missing formatter: The 'text_hidden' formatter used in 2 view modes for the field_user_reg field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
    Missing formatter: The 'text_hidden' formatter used in 2 view modes for the field_user_reg field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
    Missing formatter: The 'text_hidden' formatter used in 2 view modes for the field_user_reg field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
    Missing formatter: The 'text_hidden' formatter used in 2 view modes for the field_user_reg field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
field_user_pry list_text
    Profilo utente socio ANVU
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Profilo utente classico
    Changed field type: The 'field_user_pry' field uses a 'optionwidgets_buttons' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
    Missing formatter: The 'text_hidden' formatter used in 2 view modes for the field_user_pry field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
    Missing formatter: The 'text_hidden' formatter used in 2 view modes for the field_user_pry field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
    Missing formatter: The 'text_hidden' formatter used in 2 view modes for the field_user_pry field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
    Missing formatter: The 'text_hidden' formatter used in 2 view modes for the field_user_pry field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
field_user_ffpp_telrep text
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_ffpp_telrep' in the bundle 'profilo_ffpp' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_ffpp_reparto text
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_ffpp_reparto' in the bundle 'profilo_ffpp' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_ffpp_corpo list_text
    Profilo utente appartenente Forze di Polizia
    Changed field type: The 'field_user_ffpp_corpo' field uses a 'optionwidgets_select' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_user_ffpp_int list_text
    Profilo utente International Police
    Changed field type: The 'field_user_ffpp_int' field uses a 'optionwidgets_select' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_user_ffpp_int_force text
    Profilo utente International Police
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_ffpp_int_force' in the bundle 'profilo_ffpp_int' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_ffpp_int_tel text
    Profilo utente International Police
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_ffpp_int_tel' in the bundle 'profilo_ffpp_int' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_ffpp_int_name text
    Profilo utente International Police
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_ffpp_int_name' in the bundle 'profilo_ffpp_int' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_ffpp_int_surname text
    Profilo utente International Police
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_ffpp_int_surname' in the bundle 'profilo_ffpp_int' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_ffpp_int_place text
    Profilo utente International Police
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_ffpp_int_place' in the bundle 'profilo_ffpp_int' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_ffpp_int_date date
    Profilo utente International Police
field_user_ffpp_int_rules list_text
    Profilo utente International Police
    Changed field type: The 'field_user_ffpp_int_rules' field uses a 'optionwidgets_buttons' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_user_ffpp_int_privacy list_text
    Profilo utente International Police
    Changed field type: The 'field_user_ffpp_int_privacy' field uses a 'optionwidgets_buttons' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_user_min_min list_text
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Changed field type: The 'field_user_min_min' field uses a 'optionwidgets_select' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_user_min_uff text
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_min_uff' in the bundle 'profilo_min' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_min_comuff text
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_min_comuff' in the bundle 'profilo_min' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_min_induff text
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_min_induff' in the bundle 'profilo_min' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_user_min_teluff text
    Profilo utente Ministeriale
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_user_min_teluff' in the bundle 'profilo_min' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_fd_prog file
    Falso documentale - Programmi di Controllo
    Changed field type: The 'field_fd_prog' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_fd_nome_prog text
    Falso documentale - Programmi di Controllo
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_fd_nome_prog' in the bundle 'prog_controll' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_fd_descrizione_programma text_long
    Falso documentale - Programmi di Controllo
field_siti_amici_link link_field
    Siti amici
field_siti_amici_img image
    Siti amici
    Changed field type: The 'field_siti_amici_img' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'image'.
    Missing widget: The 'image' widget is not available for the field_siti_amici_img field, it will be set to the default widget.
    Missing formatter: The 'siti_amici_default' formatter used in 2 view modes for the field_siti_amici_img field is not available, these displays will be reset to the default formatter.
field_utility_area list_text
    Changed field type: The 'field_utility_area' field uses a 'optionwidgets_select' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_utility_autore text
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_utility_autore' in the bundle 'utility' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_utility_so list_text
    Changed field type: The 'field_utility_so' field uses a 'optionwidgets_buttons' widget. The field type will be changed from 'text' to 'list_text'.
field_utility_ver text
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_utility_ver' in the bundle 'utility' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.
field_utility_file file
    Changed field type: The 'field_utility_file' field type will be changed from 'filefield' to 'file'.
field_utility_link text
    Invalid field/widget combination: The field 'field_utility_link' in the bundle 'utility' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.

Il duro lavoro fatto con passione, ripaga sempre!!!!