Problema con l'aggiornamento Drupal7 modulo media

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Problema con l'aggiornamento Drupal7 modulo media

Ciao mi hanno affidato l'aggiornamento di un sito Drupal 7.

Purtroppo non riesco a ricostruire che cosa è stato fatto su questo sito.
Quello che appare in /admin/reports/status è

Aggiornamenti del database Non aggiornato
Ci sono aggiornamenti disponibili per alcuni moduli relativi allo schema del database. Dovresti eseguire lo script di update del database immediatamente.

ho provato ad eseguire /update.php ma ho una serie di errori

33 aggiornamenti in attesa

media module
7200 - Replace 'view media' perm from all users having the role with 'view file'.
7201 - Handle existing media fields. Enable the new Media Field module if this site uses "media" fields. File fields are now preferred for storing media.
7202 - Enable the Views module if it is not already enabled.
7203 - Empty update function to trigger cache clear.
7204 - Update old Media view modes to the new File Entity ones.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7201
7205 - Drop the unused {media_list_type} table.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7201
7206 - Move default file display configurations to the database.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7201
7207 - Trigger cache clear. Empty update function to trigger cache clear after changing access callbacks to file_entity_access.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7201
7208 - Drop the media_types table and migrate files to file_entity types.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7209 - Enable the hidden media_migrate_file_types module to provide a UI to update {file_managed}.type with the new file types provided by file_entity.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7210 - Delete deceprated media__type_icon_directory variable.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7211 - Save a square_thumbnail image style in the database for legacy support if one does not already exist.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7212 - Re-create application file type for legacy reasons.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7213 - Remove the obsolete file_extensions variable.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7214 - Drop the legacy {media_filter_usage} table.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7216 - Skipped to run media_update_7217().
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7217 - Copy file type icons to public files directory.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7218 - Drop the legacy {cache_media_xml} table.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7219 - Enable the Media WYSIWYG submodule.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7220 - Delete the deprecated media__file_list_size variable.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7221 - Enable the Media Bulk Upload submodule.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7222 - Delete the deprecated media__display_types_migration_mess variable.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7223 - Delete legacy variables.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7224 - Rename variables, removing variable namespace.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7225 - Migrate variables to appropriate submodules.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
7226 - Grant existing user access to new media browser permission.
This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: file_entity_update_7210, file_entity_update_7201
captcha module
7001 - Increase the Session Id field size.
eu_cookie_compliance module
7000 - Change the popup delay from seconds to milliseconds.
7001 - Migrate translation handling to Variable API. NOTE: Make sure the variable_realm and i18n_variable modules are either enabled or in the filesystem if you are using multiple languages.
7002 - Delete the menu item that was added due to a missing menu item type in 1.15.
i18n_string module
7003 - Change objectindex from int to bigint.
oauth_common module
7101 - Add callback_url field to {oauth_common_token} table.
rules module
7215 - Add an index for retrieving active config of a certain plugin.

Se applico gli aggiornamenti appare l'errore

PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'reikiit_porto.file_metadata' doesn't exist: SELECT * FROM {file_metadata} WHERE fid IN (:fids_0); Array ( [:fids_0] => 765 ) in file_entity_file_load() (linea 183 di /home2/reikiit/public_html/sites/all/modules/file_entity/

e il sito poi non è più visibile :-)

Appare l'errore

Si è verificato un errore inatteso. Riprova più tardi, grazie.

Stato moduli attivi --> versione consigliata
MD Slider 7.x-2.11 --> 7.x-2.2
Media 7.x-2.1 --> 7.x-2.15
File Entity 7.x-2.15
Field 7x-7.56

Ho duplicato il sito su un sito di test e da MySQL ho dato i comandi

UPDATE `system` SET `status` = '0' WHERE `system`.`filename` = 'sites/all/modules/md_slider/md_slider.module';
UPDATE `system` SET `status` = '0' WHERE `system`.`filename` = 'sites/all/modules/nivo_slider/nivo_slider.module';
UPDATE `system` SET `status` = '0' WHERE `system`.`filename` = 'sites/all/modules/media/media.module';
UPDATE `system` SET `status` = '0' WHERE `system`.`filename` = 'sites/all/modules/file_entity/file_entity.module'; 

in modo da disabilitare i moduli

  • md_slider.module
  • nivo_slider.module
  • media.module
  • file_entity.module

Anche qui se tento gli aggiornamenti tramite /update.php ho errore

PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'reikiit_porto.file_metadata' doesn't exist: SELECT * FROM {file_metadata} WHERE fid IN (:fids_0); Array ( [:fids_0] => 765 ) in file_entity_file_load() (linea 183 di /home2/reikiit/public_html/sites/all/modules/file_entity/

Il sito rimane in manutenzione e poi appare

Si è verificato un errore inatteso. Riprova più tardi, grazie.

Qualche suggerimento ?

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